
Learning English with KC

Publicado: 2015-09-28 18:03:00
Learning english with kc

I am overjoyed to share with you all we've done so far!

Me siento entusiasmada al compartir lo que hemos logrado hasta ahora!

It's been a month full of challenges and excitement.  We have already learned so much. We have been working hard throughout this month and know it won't stop there. This year is based on being apprentices and I am eager to continue learning with all of you! 

Ha sido un mes lleno de desafíos y emoción. Hemos aprendido bastante en este tiempo pero no vamos a parar. Este año está basado en ser aprendices y ¡me siento ansiosa por seguir aprendiendo con todos!

Let me share a few of our projects so you can see for yourself that we really are all learning together:

Comparto con ustedes algunos de los proyectos que hemos trabajado durante este tiempo. ¡Vean que juntos estamos aprendiendo!

Measuring and counting

Here, one of my students was measured with paper clips and he himself counted how many he measures.

Mouse paintThis unit we also learned about mixing colors. We did our own reading of "Mouse paint". Students enjoyed it!

Color mixingRed+yellow=ORANGE!

Brown bear, brown bear

"Brown bear, brown bear. What do you see?" This is an amazing book that allows us to explore colors, sounds, names of animals, sequences, and so much more!


One fish, two fish, re fish, blue fish

"One fish, two fish, re fish, blue fish" was also a favorite! We continued with counting and identifying colors. We also went fishing!


This is a year of sharing knowledge and enjoying every part of it!

¡Es un año de compartir conocimientos y aprendizajes, disfrutando cada parte de ello!


Categorias:   Connecting Classrooms

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Felicidades Por hacer tan divertido el aprendizaje Es muy lindo escucharlos hablar y cantar lo que aprenden del inglés
2015-11-11 17:55:04

Felicidades Por hacer tan divertido el aprendizaje Es muy lindo escucharlos hablar y cantar lo que aprenden del inglés
2015-11-11 17:55:05

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